Πρόσφατα κέρδισα σε ένα διαγωνισμό του noupe ένα άρθρο από το getmecontent.com. Με ρώτησε λοιπόν ο δικός σου, τι άρθρο θέλω να μου γράψει, να του δώσω κάποια keywords κτλ…

Του λέω και εγώ γράψε για το μέλλον του web design! Δεν πέρασαν 2-3 μέρες και μου έστειλε το άρθρο το οποίο και παραθέτω από κάτω.

The World Wide Web is an ever-changing entity. It seems like new technologies and gadgets are being introduced into the world of web design almost daily. What does this mean for the future? If you are involved in the world of web design, what should you be preparing for?

Content has been king in the world of web design for a long time, and this is not going to change. However, the way content is showcased on the website seems to be changing. Instead of utilizing content simply as a tool for the search engines, modern websites are now using content first to communicate, and second to draw search engine traffic. Clear communication through quality content that is showcased carefully on the page in an uncluttered format seems to be popular.
Similarly, the use of grids is making it easier to highlight content while still maintaining the other elements of the page design. Users seem to find grid-oriented pages easier to navigate, utilizing the grid layout to find what they want, thus staying on the page and interacting with the information longer. This sets up unique challenges for the web designer, because getting the layout right on a grid-oriented page can be a challenge.

Grids make it easier to implement new gadgets, such as Flash or podcasts, into a site in a way that does not confuse the user or clutter the site. This type of layout also helps the website designer maintain the focus on the content, rather than the new widget.
The images used in web design are also changing. The stock photos that have been sued over and over for the past couple of years are losing their impact. Instead, people want to see something unique. Custom made image designs and logos are gaining popularity, as are interactive media and videos. Vector art is also becoming more and more popular as a way to stand out from the crowd.

Tomorrow’s designers are going to have to connect with users on an emotional level. There is simply too much competition out there for web traffic. Whether through the content or visuals or a combination of both, the website must connect with the emotions of the visitor.
Footers are also gaining importance on the website. This, perhaps, comes from the blogging trend, as many blogs use the space at the bottom to post “about us” information or helpful links that readers want to find. Readers are rewarded when they reach the bottom of the page by that great footer, so it is being used as a way to keep visitors on the site longer.

Web designers themselves are also changing. As people are putting up websites left and right, many are looking to do so without spending much money. Often they turn away from the professional web designers who charge a professional fee, turning instead to the freelance home workers who offer a more affordable option. For up-and-coming designers this could be good news, but overall it could drive the price of quality web design down.
Whether you are a web designer or a website owner, knowing the potential for future web design trends will help you as you plan. Remember, always keep the user as the focus of your web designing project. This will ensure that your potential customers are impressed by what they find on your site.

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